Schedule:  3 semesters of 6 week classes.
Dylan S Le Maire, 
published author lecturer journalist




You have decided you want to be a writer. But in order to be a really good one takes commitment to the process of learning how to write and should not be undertaken without understanding the basics. To do that...

Here are some questions you should be asking yourself.

#1. How many different forms of writing can you identify?
#2. Which type of writing do you think you are best at?
#3. What kind of writer do you want to be, commercial or non-commercial?
#4. Identify the first 5 things that come to mind that you feel most excite you about writing?
#5. Ask yourself: how important is writing to me?
#6. Can you sit down and easily write a short story? If so do you enjoy doing it?
If yes, why? After writing the story, what do you feel about what you just did?

The answers to the questions above give a good starting point for beginning the process of learning how to be a successful writer and yes even if only for yourself...and it will also help you to determine if you are truly serious about developing the art of writing within yourself. Do you have the spark?

Another question. Is writing to you a creative art? How so? Speak to what the type of writing you enjoy feels like, 
to you?

I will give you a hint to that first question. Writing and Journalism are two. Are they the same and if not synonymous (perhaps similar?) how do they differ?

There are no right or wrong answers here. This exercise is only to bring out in you FOR YOU the direction you wish to pursue and the willingness to commit the time and resources to do so.

Please submit the answers and I will critique it and tell you what I think 
and why.

I hope we will find you are a prime candidate for a career or at least a hobby in writing and if so we can continue.


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