is based in America, to be more precise near Kalamazoo Michigan...and is a non-matriculating (so far) school designed primarily to teach the conversational form of English, plus the mechanics of the English language, TO non-English speaking people who are PRIMARILY from Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, and Pakistan...but not exclusively.
It is not necessary to be IN the Middle East to do this because the Internet and Social Media and other tools make this kind of teaching and learning possible without the need for a physical presence on either end. The Internet is a GLOBAL reaching mechanism that allows for and facilitates the conducting of relationships of ALL kinds to people from different sectors of the globe...even those with different ethnicities, from different cultures, etc.
As the founder of the school, the Middle East is my PASSION and giving locals the opportunity to better themselves in significant ways via learning English and then other subjects AT NO COST TO THEM...is also a passion for me.
THE TRUTH IS: YOU will NEVER truly succeed in your life without English Proficiency in business, commerce, travel, education, etc. IT IS THE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE and YOU DO YOURSELF
IRREPARABLE HARM if you don't become proficient in it and the younger you are when learning any second language the better.
If you EVER want to come to AMERICA, it is not only desirable, it is MANDATORY. You can NOT get into the US without passing the English Proficiency Test and it is rigorous.
SO help YOURSELF. Take advantage of my expertise. I want to help you and that is the ONLY reason for my doing this.

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